8 Amazing Facts About German Shepherds

German Shepherds are natural herders

German Shepherds used to herd sheep from field to field. That task requires lightning-fast reactions and top-speed running. Ideal breed for the task.

The father of the German Shepherd breed

Horand Von Grafath, the first Shepherd Dog, was bought by Max Von Shlephanitz at a dog exhibition in 1895. Horand was the German Shepherd's ancestor.

European and American Breeders have different approaches

Since Max started breeding, the breed has altered, depending on where you reside. American breeders created AKC breed standards.

German Shepherds in the United States

German Shepherds arrived in America in the early 1900s. The American Kennel Club recognised German Shepherds in 1908.

German Shepherds worked alongside soldiers in WW1 and WW11

Max von Stephanitz worked to make the German Shepherd adaptable. He introduced the police and military to this clever, easy-to-train canine as urbanisation diminished herding dog needs.

German Shepherds were the original Guide Dogs

Morris Frank brought Buddy from Switzerland, where canines were training to help blinded WW1 troops, to the US in June 1928. Buddy was originally Kiss, a female dog.

Schutzhund, the German Shepherd s official sport

This breed is famed for adaptability. Schutzhund protection dog is a sport German Shepherd owners established to demonstrate their intelligence and flexibility.

Alternate names for German Shepherds

German Shepherds are now named such in the US, although they weren't always. The AKC renamed them Shepherd Dogs in 1917 because many nations avoided Germans after WW1.